Accord entre la Colombie-Britannique et le Yukon sur les relations intergouvernementales

février 5, 2024
par: hello

Between the Government of Yukon as represented by the premier and the Government of British Columbia as represent by the premier

  • WHEREAS the Government of Yukon and the Government of British Columbia have a history of cooperation in a range of services, including health, educations, transportation, tourism and other areas of social and economic development;
  • AND WHEREAS the citizens of Yukon and of British Columbia have mutual concerns and interests in relation to the environment and economic and social development;
  • AND WHEREAS there are opportunities to be explored to enhance the relationship between the Government of Yukon and the Governm,ent of British Columbia and to resolve issues and to develop opportunities for the region;
  • NOW THEREFORE the Government of Yukon and the Government of British Columbia (the « Two Governments ») hereby agree to this British Columbia – Yukon Intergovernmental Relations Accord (« this Accord ») as set out below.


The intent of this Accord is to promote cooperation between the Two Governments on matters of joint concern and mutual interest to the benefit of citizens of both Yukon and British Columbia and to promote sharing of information between the Two Goverments.

Texte de l’Accord de conciliation ou rapport

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