Chapter Three - Special Provisions

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Chapter Three – Special Provisions

Article 300: Application This Chapter does not apply to procurement by a Party of a good or service purchased for governmental purposes, and not with a view to commercial sale or resale or for use in the production or supply…
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PART A: Goods

Article 301: Right of Entry and Exit 1. This Article applies to any measure adopted or maintained by a Party relating to trade in goods, except for any technical regulation, conformity assessment procedure, standard, or sanitary or phytosanitary measure. 2.…
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PART B: Services

Article 305: Scope and Coverage This Part: applies to any measure adopted or maintained by a Party relating to service suppliers and to trade in services within Canada; and does not apply to incentives. Article 306: Formal Requirements A Party…
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PART C: Investment

Article 310: Scope and Coverage Article 311 and Article 312 apply to any measure adopted or maintained by a Party relating to investors of another Party or their investments in its territory. Article 313 applies to any measure adopted or…
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PART D: Monopolies and Government Enterprises – Commercial Activity

Article 314: Scope and Coverage Except for Article 309 and Article 704 (Residency Requirements), only the obligations in this Part apply to monopolies and government enterprises when undertaking commercial activities. For greater certainty, “commercial activities” includes procurement by a monopoly…
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PART E: Incentives

Article 319: Scope and Coverage This Part applies to incentives provided to any enterprise by a Party or any entity acting on behalf of the Party. The following provisions do not apply to incentives: Article 201 (Non-Discrimination); Part B; Part…
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