Annex II: Exceptions for Future Measures

Table of Contents


Schedule of Canada

1. CANADA Sector: All Sectors Sub-Sector: All Sub-Sectors Industry Classification: Type of Exception: Article 201 (Non-Discrimination) Description: Canada’s measures for the provision of infrastructure are not subject to Article 201 (Non-Discrimination). For greater certainty, this exception is of no effect…
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Schedule of Ontario

1. ONTARIO Sector: Energy Sub-Sector: Production, transmission, and distribution of electricity, gas, steam, and hot water; crude petroleum and natural gas; transport services via pipeline (except for hydrocarbon pipelines); petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons, except natural gas; services incidental…
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Schedule of Quebec

1. QUÉBEC Sector: Agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture Sub-Sector: All Sub-Sectors Industry Classification: CPC 01, 02, 04, 21, 22, 23, 8811 (other than rental of agricultural equipment with operator), 8812, 882 Type of Exception: Article 301 (Right of Entry and Exit), Article…
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Schedule of Nova Scotia

1. NOVA SCOTIA Sector: Forestry Sub-Sector: Forestry and logging products; forest resource processing; services incidental to agriculture, hunting, and forestry; manufacture of paper and paper products, on a fee or contract basis Industry Classification: CPC 031, 321, 881 (excluding rental…
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Schedule of New Brunswick

1. NEW BRUNSWICK Sector: Fisheries and Aquaculture Sub-Sector: Fish and other fishing products; wholesale trade in services of fisheries products; services incidental to fishing Industry Classification: CPC 04, 882 Type of Exception: Article 201 (Non-Discrimination), Article 301 (Right of Entry…
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Schedule of Manitoba

1. MANITOBA Sector: Alcoholic Beverages Sub-Sector: Commission agents’ services; wholesale trade services; retailing services (liquor, wine and beer, and liquor, wine and beer stores); manufacture of alcoholic beverages Industry Classification: CPC 24 (other than 244), 62112, 62226, 63107 Type of…
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Schedule of British Columbia

1. BRITISH COLUMBIA Sector: Energy Sub-Sector: Production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water; crude petroleum and natural gas; petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons; transport services via pipeline; services incidental to energy distribution Industry Classification: CPC…
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Schedule of Prince Edward Island

1. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Sector: Fisheries and Aquaculture Sub-Sector: Fish and other fishing products; wholesale trade in services of fisheries products; services incidental to fishing Industry Classification: CPC 04, 62224, 882 Type of Exception: Article 301 (Right of Entry and…
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Schedule of Saskatchewan

1. SASKATCHEWAN Sector: Alcoholic Beverages Sub-Sector: Beverages, wholesale; liquor, wine and beer stores; commission agents’ services; wholesale trade services; retailing services Industry Classification: CPC 24, 62112, 62226, 63107, 643 Type of Exception: Article 301 (Right of Entry and Exit), Article…
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Schedule of Alberta

1. ALBERTA Sector: Alcoholic Beverages Sub-Sector: Beverages; commission agents’ services; wholesale trade services; retailing services (liquor, wine and beer, liquor wine and beer stores); manufacture of food and beverages, on a fee or contract basis Industry Classification: CPC 24 (other…
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Schedule of Newfoundland and Labrador

1. NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Sector: Energy Sub-Sector: Crude petroleum and natural gas; services incidental to energy distribution Industry Classification: CPC 120, 7112, 71232, 7131, 7422, 8675, 883, 887 Type of Exception: Article 201 (Non-Discrimination), Article 301 (Right of Entry and…
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Schedule of Yukon

1. YUKON Sector: Alcoholic Beverages Sub-Sector: Wholesale trade of beverages; retail sale of beverages not consumed on the spot; sales, on a fee or contract basis, of food goods, beverages and tobacco Industry Classification: CPC 241, 242, 243, 62112, 62226,…
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