Annual Report April 2010 – March 2011

2010/2011 Highlights

The Committee on Internal Trade (CIT) met twice during 2010/2011 to achieve further progress on its internal trade action plan.

At a special interim meeting by conference call in June 2010, Ministers: 

  • Directed officials to develop an action plan on business registration/reporting as well as on licensing; also to develop options for revisions to AIT Chapter Four on General Rules
  • Directed officials to fully explore both monetary as well as non-monetary enforcement options for the Person-to-Government dispute process under Chapter Seventeen
  • Directed officials to continue discussions on the basis of a workplan to achieve greater openness and transparency under Chapter Five on public procurement to be incorporated into the next AIT protocol of amendment
  • Approved coverage of financial services occupations under Chapter Seven on Labour Mobility
  • Endorsed a report from the Forum of Labour Market Ministers (FLMM) on implementation of the new AIT Chapter Seven

At its Annual Meeting in Saskatoon in December 2010, Ministers: 

  • Welcomed entry into force of a new Chapter Nine on Agricultural and Food Goods
  • Approved the AIT Twelfth Protocol of Amendment to cover financial services occupations under Chapter Seven on Labour Mobility and to improve transparency in government procurement under Chapter Five
  • Heard a presentation by the President and CEO of the Canada West Foundation
  • Directed officials to continue their work on enforcement options to strengthen and improve the Person-to-Government Dispute Resolution Process
  • Approved an action plan to simplify the corporate registration/reporting process to government and the burden stemming from business licences in two key sectors across Canada
  • Heard a report on the New West Partnership Agreement (NWP) among British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan

In June 2010, the Annual General Meeting of the Internal Trade Secretariat Corporation was held via conference call. A meeting of the ITSC Board of Directors took place in February 2011.

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