Annual Report April 2004 – March 2005

2004/2005 Highlights

The Year 2004 signified the first decade of achievement under the AIT since its signature by federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) governments in Canada. Throughout 2004/2005 the internal trade agenda was guided predominantly by the COF workplan. Highlights included:

  • Annual meeting of the CIT, December 2004 (Ottawa);
  • Work by Parties to honour all obligations under the AIT including appointing panellists to the Roster of Panellists and more timely reporting on procurement and incentives;
  • Completion of the negotiations to open Crown Procurement to national competition;
  • Improvements to the procedural fairness of AIT dispute resolution mechanisms;
  • Launch of an assessment of gaps between the AIT and issues outside the scope of the Agreement;
  • Development of a workplan to complete negotiation of an Energy Chapter;
  • Commencement of a full review of AIT dispute resolution mechanisms;
  • Assessment of work required to address labour mobility issues including but not limited to mutual recognition of foreign credentials; and
  • Review of the scope and coverage of the Agriculture Chapter.
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