
Oct 01, 2009

Trade and Cooperation Agreement between Québec and Ontario

The Governments of Ontario and Québec, RESOLVED to: FORM an economic partnership that will foster their economies and build opportunities for their citizens; STRENGHTEN the...
  • Ontario
  • Quebec
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Apr 02, 2009

Agreement between the Government of New Brunswick and Quebec on Labour Mobility in Construction

This agreement sets out measures agreed to by the governments of New Brunswick and Quebec to facilitate access to the construction labour markets in both...
  • New Brunswick
  • Quebec
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Dec 02, 2008

Accord de libéralisation des marchés publics du Québec et du Nouveau-Brunswick (remplace l’entente de 1993)

Les gouvernements du Nouveau-Brunswick et due Québec, ci-après appelés « les gouvernements » ou « les parties » désirent accroître leaur coopération et on conclu...
  • New Brunswick
  • Quebec
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Jun 30, 2006

Agreement on Labour Mobility in the Construction Industry (2006) between the Government of Ontario and Québec

This agreement sets out measures agreed to by the governments of Ontario and Quebec to facilitate access to the construction labour markets in both provinces....
  • Ontario
  • Quebec
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Apr 18, 2006

New Brunswick-Quebec Cooperation Agreement

BETWEEN The Government of New Brunswick, as represented by the Premier of New Brunswick and the Minister of Wellness, Culture and Sport, Minister Responsible for...
  • New Brunswick
  • Quebec
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Dec 06, 1996

Ontario-Quebec Agreement on Labour Mobility in the Construction Industry

The two governments hereby agree, therefore, to implement the following terms so that the qualifications, skills and work experience of construction workers and contractors in...
  • Ontario
  • Quebec
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