Share Your Concern

Let us know about an obstacle faced doing business or working in another province or territory.

Share your concern with Internal Trade Officials

If your concern relates to a regulatory matter, such as a difference in regulation that may be acting as a barrier to trade, investment, or labour mobility, please visit the CFTA Regulatory Regulation and Cooperation Table (RCT) page to share your concern.

If your concern relates to other topics, such as the general flow of goods, services, and investment across provinces and territories, government procurement, labour mobility, or a formal dispute under the CFTA, please share your story below. Please include details related to the difficulty experienced, the impact it had on you, the government(s) involved, and what (if any steps) have already been taken to try to resolve this matter.

If you are unsure where to share your concern, please see here for more information on the RCT and regulatory matters.

Should you want to be contacted by the Internal Trade Secretariat on this matter, please provide your contact information below.
Contact Person
Company or Organization Name (if relevant)
I consent to the information shared above being used by the Internal Trade Secretariat, pursuant to the terms and conditions of our legal disclaimer.