Sector: Tourism; Agriculture; Wildlife
Sub-Sector: Services incidental to hunting, fishing, and trapping industries; tourist guide agencies (wilderness tourism); own-account hunting; live animals, hides, skins, and furskins
Industry Classification: CPC 021, 0297, 7472, 96419, 8813
Type of Exception: Article 201 (Non-Discrimination), Article 313 (Performance Requirements)


  • Wildlife Act, SNu 2003, c 26, s 113


In the allocation of a dealer’s licence, guiding licence, fur farm licence, game farm licence, tanning licence, or taxidermy licence preference shall be given to an applicant who had made his or her principal residence in the Nunavut Settlement Area for at least 18 continuous months prior to the submission of his or her application. Preference will also be given to applications that will likely provide direct benefits to the Nunavut economy, in particular through employment of local human or economic resources.

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