Sector: Agriculture
Sub-Sector: Products of agriculture; live animals and animal products; meats and dairy products; other food products n.e.c.; services incidental to agriculture
Industry Classification: CPC 01, 02, 21, 22, 239, 8811 (other than rental of agriculture equipment with operator)
Type of Exception: Article 201 (Non-Discrimination)


  • The Farm Products Marketing Act, CCSM c F47
  • Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Marketing Plan Regulation, Man Reg 89/2004
  • Manitoba Egg and Pullet Producers Marketing Plan Regulation, Man Reg 70/2005
  • Manitoba Chicken Broiler Producers Marketing Plan Regulation, Man Reg 246/2004
  • Manitoba Turkey Producers Marketing Plan Regulation, Man Reg 38/2004
  • Manitoba Vegetable Producers Marketing Plan Regulation, Man Reg 117/2009


The boards and commissions under the above measures may afford preferences to permanent residents of Manitoba when considering applications to fix and allot quotas, or requests to sell, lease, license or otherwise assign quotas.


Sector: Energy
Sub-Sector: Electrical power
Industry Classification: CPC 17, 887
Type of Exception: Article 201 (Non-Discrimination)


  • The Manitoba Hydro Act, CCSM c H190
  • The Public Utilities Board Act, CCSM c P280
  • The Water Power Act, CCSM c W60
  • The Environment Act, CCSM c E125
  • The Crown Corporations Public Review and Accountability Act, CCSM c C336


  1. The above measures, among other things, permit Manitoba or Manitoba Hydro to:
    1. regulate, and issue various licences, authorizations or approvals relating to the generation, transmission, distribution, importation, exportation and supply and sale of electricity, if generated from renewable energy sources or from other goods, forces or sources from which it is possible to generate electricity;
    2. regulate the development, construction or maintenance of power plants, generating stations, substations, transmission lines, transmission towers and other facilities or structures or equipment required in connection with any of the activities set out in paragraph (a), including the granting of rights over hydraulic resources on lands of public domain requested for the generation of electricity; and
  2. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, these measures may involve discrimination in favour of Manitoba residents or entities formed in accordance with the laws of Canada or a Province and having a place of business in Manitoba.


Sector: Fisheries
Sub-Sector: Services incidental to fishing; wholesale trade services
Industry Classification: CPC 04, 882, 62224
Type of Exception: Article 201 (Non-Discrimination), Article 307 (Market Access – Services), Article 312 (Market Access – Investment), Article 313 (Performance Requirements)


  • The Fisheries Act, CCSM c F90
  • Fishing Licensing Regulation, Man Reg 124/97
  • Policy respecting the allocation of commercial fishing licences


The minister has full discretion to issue commercial fishing licences and to place terms and conditions on the licences. The current policy specifies that commercial fishing licences are to be allocated, re-allocated, and renewed according to the value of the benefits generated, in order of priority, to: (1) local; (2) regional; and (3) provincial economies.


Sector: Forestry
Sub-Sector: Forestry and logging products; services incidental to manufacturing
Industry Classification: CPC 0311, 0312, 8843
Type of Exception: Article 201 (Non-Discrimination), Article 313 (Performance Requirements)


  • The Forest Act, CCSM c F150
  • Forest Use and Management Regulation, Man Reg 227/88R


The minister is responsible for regulating and administering all forestry matters, and has the discretion to make grants or issue permits or licences to a person, subject to such terms and conditions as the minister considers advisable. Timber cutting rights must be granted in a way that the minister believes secures the maximum benefit for Manitoba’s forest industry. Manitoba residents may be given preference if such grants are made or permits or licences are issued.


Sector: Hunting
Sub-Sector: Services incidental to hunting; hunting, fishing and trapping industries; tourist guide agencies; own-account hunting
Industry Classification: CPC 7472, 8813, 96419
Type of Exception: Article 201 (Non-Discrimination), Article 307 (Market Access – Services), Article 312 (Market Access – Investment)


  • The Wildlife Act, CCSM c W130
  • Allocation of Hunting Licences Regulation, Man Reg 77/2006
  • Captive Wild Animal Regulation, Man Reg 23/98
  • Exotic Wildlife Regulation, Man Reg 78/99
  • General Hunting Regulation, Man Reg 351/87
  • Hunting Dogs Regulation, Man Reg 79/95
  • Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits Regulation, Man Reg 165/91
  • Miscellaneous Licences and Permits Regulation, Man Reg 53/2007
  • Trapping Areas and Zones Regulation, Man Reg 149/2001
  • Trapping of Wild Animals Regulation, Man Reg 245/90
  • Hunting Guides Regulation, Man Reg 110/93
  • Manitoba Trapping Guide 2016/2017
  • The Resource Tourism Operators Act, CCSM c R119.5
  • Resource Tourism Operators Regulation, Man Reg 28/2004


The minister, or the administrator appointed by the minister, as the case may be, has the discretion to issue permits or licences to a person, subject to such terms and conditions as the minister, or the administrator, as the case may be considers advisable. The Regulations may prescribe preferential access to permits and licences, and in the case of The Wildlife Act, preferential conditions on such permits and licences, for Manitoba residents.

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