Canadian Free Trade Agreement

Table of Contents


Schedule of Nunavut

Procurement Exceptions For Nunavut, the following is not covered by this Chapter: A. Excluded Entities The following entities are not covered by this Chapter: The Legislative Assembly. All other procuring entities as described under Article 504.3 are covered, at the…
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Chapter Six – Environmental Protection

Article 600: Scope and Coverage This Chapter applies to any environmental measure adopted or maintained by a Party that may affect trade, investment, or labour mobility within Canada. Article 601: Context and Objectives The Parties recognize that environmental protection and…
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Chapter Seven – Labour Mobility

Article 700: Purpose The purpose of this Chapter is to eliminate or reduce measures adopted or maintained by the Parties that restrict or impair labour mobility within Canada and, in particular, to enable any worker certified for an occupation by…
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Chapter Eight – General Exceptions

Article 800: Aboriginal Peoples This Agreement does not apply to any measure adopted or maintained by a Party with respect to Aboriginal peoples. It does not affect existing aboriginal or treaty rights of any of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada…
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Chapter Nine – Party-Specific Exceptions

Article 900: Extent of Party-Specific Exceptions Article 201 (Non-Discrimination), Article 301 (Right of Entry and Exit), Article 307 (Market Access – Services), Article 312 (Market Access – Investment), Article 313 (Performance Requirements), and paragraph 2 of Annex 309 do not…
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Chapter Ten – Dispute Resolution

Article 1000: Cooperation The Parties undertake to resolve disputes in a conciliatory, cooperative, and harmonious manner. The Parties shall make every attempt through cooperation, consultations, and other dispute avoidance and resolution processes available to them to arrive at a mutually…
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PART A: Government-to-Government Dispute Resolution

Article 1003: Consultations A Party that considers that a measure of another Party is or would be inconsistent with that other Party’s obligations under this Agreement may request consultations with that other Party by delivering written notice to that other…
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PART B: Person-to-Government Dispute Resolution

Article 1014: Pre-existing Dispute If, before the effective date, a Complaining Person in a Pre-existing Dispute has requested that proceedings be initiated under Article 1712(1) (Initiation of Proceedings by Government on Behalf of Persons) or Article 1713(1) (Initiation of Proceedings…
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PART C: General

Article 1033: Removal of Access to Dispute Resolution for Non-Compliance This Article applies notwithstanding anything else in this Chapter. Parties A Party shall not initiate or participate in consultations or Proceedings under this Chapter in a capacity other than as…
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Annex 1001.4(c)(ii): Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit (To be printed on Bank letterhead) Month xx, 20__ TO :  Internal Trade Secretariat Corporation (“ITSC”), Trustee for the beneficiaries Re: Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No.      X, At the request of…
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Annex – PART A: Government-to-Government Proceedings

Panel and Compliance Panel Proceedings Rules 1 through 4 apply to a Panel Proceeding or Compliance Panel Proceeding initiated under Part A. Operational Costs 2.1 Operational Costs shall be paid by one or more of the Participating Parties.  Subject to…
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Annex – PART B: Person-to-Government Proceedings

Panel and Compliance Panel Proceedings Rules 9 through 13 apply to a Panel Proceeding, summary dismissal of Proceedings, or Compliance Panel Proceeding initiated under Part B. Operational Costs 10.1 Operational Costs shall be paid by one or more of the…
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