Share Your Concern
Let us know about an obstacle faced doing business or working in another province or territory.
When the CFTA was signed in 2017, the 14 federal, provincial and territorial governments recognized the importance of having an on-going forum under the CFTA to discuss and resolve differences in how they each regulate and manage different parts of the economy.
This led to the creation of the Regulatory Reconciliation and Cooperation Table (RCT), which works to reduce regulatory differences that act as barriers to trade, investment, and labour mobility. Such differences (so-called ‘regulatory measures’) might come in the form of a decree, regulation, standard, order, requirement, procedure, process, assessment, legislation or other instrument.
The RCT is keen to hear about your experience dealing with differences in these ‘regulatory measures’ and how they may have impacted your ability to do business in or work across different provinces or territories. If your concern relates to such a matter, please click here to share your experience with the RCT directly.